What is 3CD?
3CD is the format in which the statement of particulars of tax audit is required to be furnished. This form has a total of 44 clauses where the auditor has to report on various matters contained therein.
What Is the Content of 3CD?
It has two parts namely PART A & PART B
Part A
It covers the basic factual details about the assesses and Part B requires the particulars of various compliances under the provisions of Income Tax Law. It also has 44 Clauses and the Auditor Prior should have the report ready for various details present
Details to be furnished in form 3CD:-
- Information of the assesses like Name, address, PAN; has to be furnished.
- Information of audit report; Date has to be furnished
- Annexure (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Form 3CD)
- A declaration by the auditor that they have obtained all the information required for Audit
- Reporting of detailed observations, discrepancies mentioned in form 3CD
- A declaration information that proves to be that accounts are maintained at the branch and head office
- A declaration Information that proves to be that the details filled by the auditor are true and it is to his knowledge
- Detailed Information about Auditor’s name, Address, Membership No, FRN No. And signature with seal/stamp
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