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Compliance Guide

I D Act-Notice of Change – Form N

I D Act-Notice of Change - Form N Any employer intending to effect any change in the conditions of service…

I D Act-Payment of Wages pending appeal

If the employer prefers any proceedings against any award by Labour court / Tribunal / National Tribunal directing reinstatement of…

I D Act-Retrenchment – Form R

  I D Act-Retrenchment - Form R If an employer desires to retrench any workmen employed in his industrial establishment…

I D Act-Retrenchment – Form R1

I D Act-Retrenchment - Form R1 Notice under clause (a) of sub-section (1) section 25N for retrenchment shall be served…

I D Act-Retrenchment – Form R2

I D Act-Retrenchment - Form R2 Notice under clause (a) of sub-section (1) section 25N for retrenchment shall be served…

I D Act-Strike & Lockouts – Form P

I D Act-Strike & Lockouts - Form P A notice of strike required under subsection (1) of section 22 shall…

I D Act-Strike & Lockouts – Form Q

I D Act-Strike & Lockouts - Form Q When there is a strike or lockout the management shall give information…

I D Act-Unfair Labour Practice

I D Act-Unfair Labour Practice To interfere with, restrain from, or coerce, workmen in the exercise of their right to…

I D Act-Works Committee Applicability

I D Act-Works Committee Applicability What is Work Committee? According to the Industrial Disputes Act of India, every employer should…