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Compliance Guide

MGT-14 Filing of Resolutions

ROC MGT-14 Filing of Resolutions What is MGT-14? Meetings of the Board of Directors/Shareholders/Creditors are held, and resolutions are passed…

MGT-7 Form

What is MGT-7 Form  MGT 7  Form is an electronic form. It is allocated to all the companies by the…

Minutes Books

ROC Minutes Books What is Minutes Books? Minutes of meeting should be kept in a minutes book maintained for that…

MSME Form 1

What is MSME Form 1  The MSME I Form provides information on a half-yearly basis in the context of the…

Name Plate specification

ROC Name Plate specification What is ROC Name Plate specification? A company shall, on and from the fifteenth day of…

Need for an Accounting CRM for CA’s, CPA’s

Choosing the right CRM for your Firm.     This article will delve into the key distinctions between traditional CRM…

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

ROC Nomination and Remuneration Committee. What is constitute Nomination and Remuneration Committee? The Board of Directors of the following companies…

October Compliances Filings | 2022

October 2022 Compliances | Turbocomply To ensure that your company is compliant with GST, Income Tax, Company compliances, follow the…

PAS-3 Allotment Return

Share capital is that part of share which comes from allotment of shares, i.e., investment made by any person in…