Maternity Benefit Creche facility
Maternity Benefit Creche facility Every establishment having fifty or more employees shall have the facility of creche within such distance…
Maternity Benefit Creche facility Every establishment having fifty or more employees shall have the facility of creche within such distance…
Maternity Benefit Eligibility The Maternity Benefit Act originally provided maternity benefits of 12 weeks, out of which up to six…
Maternity Benefit Registers Form A - muster Roll, To maintain women employees details only Registers, etc. – Every employer shall…
Maternity Benefit Returns Form K - Annual Returns 1. To enter the number of women employees details employed during the…
Maternity Benefit Returns by employer Form K - Annual Returns 1. To enter the number of women employees details employed…
Maternity Benefit Wage / Benefits Form D - Claim form along with Form B - Medical Officer Certification Every woman…
ROC Meeting Quorum What is Quorum for Meetings? The Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) requires that…
What is MGT-14? MGT-14 needs to be filed by a company with the Registrar of Companies (RoC) in accordance with…
ROC MGT 3 What is MGT-3? eForm MGT-3 is required to be filed pursuant to section 88(4) of the Companies…