
Compliance Guide

BOCW registration amendment

BOCW registration amendment Grant of certificate of registration (1) The registering officer, after receiving an application under sub-rule (1) of…

BOCW safety & health Insurance

BOCW safety & health Insurance A construction site is exposed to various kinds of accidents. Anyone who has spent time…

BOCW Service Certificate -Form XXIV

BOCW Service Certificate -Form XXIV Every employer shall, in respect of each work on which he engages building workers,- (a)…

Bonus Eligibility

Bonus Eligibility The Principal Act provides for the mandatory annual payment of bonuses to eligible employees of establishments that employ…

Bonus Infancy Benefits

Bonus Infancy Benefits The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 mandates that the employer of every factory and every establishment in…

Bonus Registers – Form A

Bonus Registers - Form A Maintenance of registers.- Every employer shall prepare and maintain the following registers, namely:-   a…

Bonus Registers – Form B

Bonus Registers - Form B Maintenance of registers.- Every employer shall prepare and maintain the following registers, namely:- a register…

Bonus Registers – Form C

Bonus Registers - Form B Maintenance of registers.- Every employer shall prepare and maintain the following registers, namely:- a register…

Bonus Returns – Form D

Bonus Registers - Form D Maintenance of registers.- Every employer shall prepare and maintain the following registers, namely:- a register…