Excise Return ER – 4 – Components of ER- 4 Form

Components of Form E.R.-4

Form ER-4 is for Annual Financial Information state for the financial year

In this form all figures relating to the value and amount to be given in Rupees and in Lakhs.

In the first part of the form the following details to be filled in

1. Registration number to be filled

In the second part of the form the following details to be filled in

2.Name of the Assessee to be filled as well

In the Third Part of the form.

3.Details of expenditure should be entered including the following

i) Details of inputs including packing material and components used for manufacture.

i. Total value of inputs including packing materials and rupees components used for manufacturing on which CENVAT credit availed (value as per purchase invoice or import document excluding all taxes).
ii. Total value of inputs including packing materials used for manufacturing on which CENVAT credit not availed.
iii. Value of raw material including packing material and components consumed as per Profit and loss account.

ii) Value and quantity of each major raw material consumed in the manufacture of goods.

(a) Description of raw material details should be entered

Here the Quantity of Raw material and its value to be mentioned for

1. Opening stock of Raw material
2. (+) Purchase of raw material
3. (-) Closing Stock of Raw Material
4. Raw Material consumption.

(b) Please state the description of the final product {as mentioned at Sr. No. 4 (ii) below}, where the raw material is principally used

iii) The details of expenditure for the following should be mentioned here

(a)Total Inward Freight
(b) Total Outward Freight
(c) Advertisement/Sales Promotion
(d) Commission paid for sales of manufactured goods
(e) Total R & D expenditure
(f) Wages
(g) Power and Fuel
(h) Other expenses* {excluding (a) to (g) above

(1v) Details of goods got manufactured by the assessee through job workers:

The Q&A to be filled in for the below

(a) Whether goods are got manufactured through job workers? Yes/No
(b) If yes, whether any raw material/inputs are supplied to a job worker? Yes/No
(c) Whether any raw material/inputs are used by the job worker which is not supplied by the assessee? Yes/No
(d) Total amount paid by the assessee to job worker. Rs. …………….

In part 4 of the form, the details of the income should be filled.

(i) Total Sales value (Gross) as per Profit & Loss account in Rupees has to be entered.
(ii) The Value and quantity of each major manufactured finished goods sold to be entered.
The quantity and value exclusive of taxes to be mentioned in each for the
i. Opening stock of finished goods
ii. (+) Production of finished goods
iii. (-) Closing Stock of finished goods
iv. Finished goods sold

The Details of trading activity which excludes inputs cleared as such below

The quantity and value exclusive of taxes to be mentioned in each for the
i. Opening stock of Trading Goods
ii. (+) Purchase of Trading Goods
iii. (-) Closing Stock of Trading Goods
iv. Trading Goods sold. Every detail further to be mentioned with Value in Rupees.
Sale value of non-excisable and fully exempted goods (excluding the goods exported) cleared during the financial year.
(v) Value of goods exported under Bond Rs.
(vi) Value of goods exported under claim for rebate
(vii) Total value of the sale of waste and scrap.
(viii) Value of inputs on which CENVAT credit has been availed and cleared as such:
On payment of an amount equal to the credit availed.
(b) Without payment of any such amount to job worker (excluding the value of both the inputs as such or the inputs used in job worked goods, received back by the assessee from job worker).

(ix) Total Sales Tax paid
x) Details of other income


1. Warranty charges from buyers

2. Advertisement/Marketing expenditure recovered from customers

3. Handling, storage, packing, and forwarding charges
4. Pre-delivery inspection charges

5. Product development, drawing, design, and development charges
6. Transportation charges received

7. Erection and Commissioning charges received

8. Technical, Engineering, consultancy, etc. charges received

9. Other receipts/Income (excluding (1) to (8) above

For every category below the amount has to be entered.

The information like with Q&A option also to be answered.
a) Total “Other income” as per Profit and Loss Account in rupees
b) Details of job work undertaken by the assessee for others:
Under Details of job work undertaken the
c) Whether any such job work activity carried out by the assessee?
d) Whether job work is done using own raw material/inputs (i.e. other than those supplied by the person for whom job-work is done).
e) Whether job work goods are cleared on payment of duty or without payment of duty
f) Total amount of job work charges received during the financial year.

In the fifth part of the form,

The Cenavat Credit Details has to be entered

The Credit Availed and Credit Utilised has to be lodged against each on
Capital Goods
Taxable Input Service

In Part Six of the form, the declaration has to be signed by the authorized signatory and a copy of the Profit and Loss Account and balance sheet have to be attached.

The Acknowledgment form along with the date of receipt DD MM YY format has to be entered.

The other instructions are also mentioned in the form

To know more find your ER-4 Form here: ER-4

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