Excise Return ER – 5 – Components of ER- 5 Form

Components of Form ER – 5

Form ER – 5 is the sub-rule (1) of 9A of CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004

In the First part of the form

  1. The name of the Manufacturer is to be mentioned.

In the Second part of the form, the following has to be registered.

  1. PAN-based Registration Number

In the Third Part of the form, the following has to be registered.

(i) New declaration

(ii)   Amendments to declaration already filed

Whatever is the option that has to be ticked against it

In the Fourth Part of the form, the following has to be registered with a declaration for the financial year for the following

  1. Description of principal inputs
  2. Central Excise Tariff SubHeadingNo. of principal input
  3. Quantity code
  4. Description of finished goods in which principal input mentioned in column (2) is used
  5. Central Excise Tariff SubHeading No. of finished goods
  6. Quantity code*
  7. Quantity of principal input mentioned in column (2) required for use in the manufacture of a unit quantity of finished goods mentioned in column (5)


It is also to be noted that the indication of abbreviation has to be done. Abbreviation referred to in Instruction No. 7 mentioned in Form E.R.-1 and Form E.R.-3 specified in the Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) vide Notification No.25/2004-Central Excise (N.T.), dated the 27th September 2004 published vide G.S.R.No.643 (E) dated the 25th September 2004.

In the fifth part of the form, there is a self-declaration that has to be done.

  • I/We _________________hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete in every respect to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
  • I/We am/are authorized to sign this declaration. (Name in capital letters and signature of the assessee or authorized signatory) Place: Date:


The last part of the form is Acknowledgement

Here the following details have to be entered.

  1. Declaration of the financial year.
  2. Date of receipt in DD, MM, and YY Format
  3. Date and Place
  4. Name and Signature of the officer with the seal.


Find your ER5 form here: ER-5




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