Form 23D

ROC Form 23D

What is form 23D?

The company shall, within thirty days from the date of approval by MCA of the application made to the Central Government in the prescribed Form 23C seeking its prior approval for the appointment of cost auditor, issue formal letter of appointment to the cost auditor, as approved by the Board.

Who has to file?

The cost auditor is to be appointed by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, where the company is required to have an Audit Committee. 

When has to file?

The cost auditor shall, within thirty days of the date of formal letter of appointment issued by the company, inform the Central Government in the prescribed form 23D, along with a copy of such appointment.

In case of change of cost auditor caused by the death of existing cost auditor, companies are allowed to file fresh e-form 23C, without any additional fee, within 90 days of the date of death. The additional fee payable as per the Companies (Fees on Applications) Rules, 1999 [as amended] shall become applicable after expiry of the said 90 days. Accordingly, e-forms 23C and 23D are being modified to capture such details.


In case of change of cost auditor for reasons other than death of the existing cost auditor, companies are required to file fresh e-form 23C with applicable fee & additional fee, clearly specifying the reasons of change. In case of change due to resignation of the existing cost auditor, e-form 23C should be accompanied by the resignation letter of the existing cost auditor. In case of change due to the management policy of periodical rotation, then attach a copy of the Board approved rotational policy with the e-form 23C. In any other case, the change should be duly justified and supported with the relevant documents.

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