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Compliance Guide

I D Act-Notice of Change – Form N

I D Act-Notice of Change – Form N

I D Act-Notice of Change - Form N Any employer…

I D Act-Grievance Redressal committee

I D Act-Grievance Redressal committee

I D Act-Grievance Redressal committee 1) Every industrial establishment employing…

I D Act-Grievance Redressal applicability

I D Act-Grievance Redressal applicability

I D Act-Grievance Redressal applicability 1) Every industrial establishment employing…

I D Act-Works Committee By-Laws

I D Act-Works Committee By-Laws

The by-laws shall be prepared and approved by the Joint…

Standing Orders-General Obligations

Standing Orders-General Obligations

The employer shall follow the retirement age, payment of unpaid…

Standing Orders-Issue of Charge memo

Standing Orders-Issue of Charge memo

When the suspension of any workmen by the employer is…

Standing Orders Posting

Standing Orders Posting

The text of the standing orders as finally certified under…

Gratuity Applicability – Notice of opening

Gratuity Applicability – Notice of opening

Gratuity Applicability - Notice of opening What is the Notice…

Gratuity Applicability

Gratuity Applicability

Gratuity Applicability What is gratuity applicability? Gratuity is lump sum payment…